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African Giraffes Highly Endangered

Articles about the instinction of animals caught my attention. We all know that the Climate change is now approching so fast, it’s changes very rapidly this is the main reason why animals in the wild are now decreasing in numbers.

Man and mother nature are threatening at least six distinct species of African giraffe, which are highly endangered and could face extinction if not protected, a study warned Saturday.

Africa’s 110,000-strong giraffe population, initially thought to be comprised of a single species found in all its savannas, has been severely fragmented by increasing aridity and a wide range of human pressures, Kenyan and US biologists said in a study.

“Severe poaching and armed conflict in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya reduced the number of reticulated giraffes from about 27,000 individuals in the 1990s to currently fewer than 3,000 individuals,” over the past decade, said the study supported by the US-based Wildlife Conservation Society.

“Several of these previously unrecognized genetic units are highly endangered, such as the West African giraffe, numbering about only 100 individuals and restricted to a single area in Niger,” it added.

At least 160 Nigerian giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis peralta) are found in West and Central Africa while a few hundred Rothschild giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi) are found in protected areas in Kenya and Uganda.

The researchers said the exinction threat was real since giraffes are listed as lower risk in the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List, “under the assumption that giraffe species are considered a single species and therefore managed as such.”

I’m opposing that we, human beings make a way to resolve this problem. Let’s make a way to save wild animals, not only the Giraffe’s but all the instincts indigeneous animals For this, we can make it to show to our children see this wonderful creature. SAVE THE GIANTS. 

About khymznp

An IT Student of St. Paul University Manila


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